[racket] net/http-client

From: Erik Pearson (erik at adaptations.com)
Date: Tue Sep 17 13:51:58 EDT 2013

I was crafting a response, but I think Norman here represents what I was
expressing, with some comments below ...

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Norman Gray <norman at astro.gla.ac.uk> wrote:

> Greetings.
> On 2013 Sep 17, at 14:51, Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think it's an obvious request, but a character flaw of mine is not
> > doing things unless they can be done really good. In this case, I see
> > a hash table as a "parse" of the headers. It's not obvious to me how
> > to parse them. For example...
> I don't think that all of these things are necessary, or even obviously
> desirable, for a 'parse of the headers'.  What I would expect from a
> parse-headers function would be something that makes available the
> collection of headers in a convenient way -- that 'lifts it off the wire',
> if you like -- but I wouldn't expect much more.  Specifically, if I want to
> deal with semantics (perhaps involving the implications of repeated
> headers), or if I want to parse the _values_ of headers, I would expect
> these to be a logically separate operations.
> That doesn't rule out providing added-value functions which do the extra
> work, possibly composed with a core parse-headers function, but a thorough
> (meaning robust and compliant) implementation of the core part of the job
> should I think be regarded as 'done well', even if there's a larger
> bells-and-whistles job that one can envisage.
> In particular...
> > - The same header can appear many times, so (Key -> Value) is
> > incorrect, unless you overwrite one. It would be better to have (Key
> > -> (Listof Value)) but that feels really ugly since most of the time
> > there will just be one
> A core function which returned an alist of the headers, combined with a
> alist->hash function which (say) concatenated the values of repeated
> headers, would do the majority of the work in the majority of cases.

Agreed, the vast majority of cases.

Okay, may I nitpick here? Is it just me, or does the usage of the term
"header" need a little tightening up? I believe that the term "header"
applies to the entire section of the http stream, following the first line
(the response line) to the first instance of an empty line (crlf+crlf).
There is just one of them. A header field, would consist of a key and its
associated value. The structure of the header being as defined in the http
and related specs.

> I as a user would not grumble at having to do this extra bit of work for
> those headers which needed it.
> (incidentally, I don't recall any HTTP headers which can meaningfully be
> repeated, and a quick scan of RFC 2616 doesn't remind me of any -- which
> ones are these?)

> - The spec doesn't mandate case sensitivity on headers, so I would
> > need to canonicalize "ACCept-ENCodiNG" to something else. Maybe
> > 'Accept-Encoding?
> Canonicalising them all to symbols (that is 'accept-encoding and friends)
> would make this nicely apparent to users.

I'd say this would be consistent with other Racket libs, like json, and
very convenient to use.

> > - The value of many headers is not really a string. For instance,
> > Content-Length is a number, Cache-Control is an association list,
> > Content-Disposition is complicated, etc. I feel like it is
> > disingenuous to only partial parse.
> A (Listof (Cons symbol? string?) would be fine as the return for most
> cases, leaving the parse of the value for some separate function.  For
> example get-content-length with (-> (Listof (Cons symbol? string?))
> number?).

> That's especially true for values which themselves have complicated
> syntaxes.  I've twice had to parse the rather intricate syntax of the
> Accept header, and I think I re-did it the second time, rather than re-use
> my first attempt at it, because the question I wanted to ask of the header
> was different.  If there had been a parse-accept-header-content function, I
> would doubtless have used it, but I'm not sure how much real thought it
> would have saved me.
> Or in other words, there's not necessarily a unique best way to parse the
> more intricate header values.

I would say this argues for the "quick and dirty" header parse being just
one option for http client library users. It is hard to have a universal
parsing engine for http headers, especially since there are many header
extensions outside of the spec (and each parse depends on the name of the
header field), and many possible client applications (e.g. caring about
just a limited number of header fields.)

It would be great if the library also supported getting the raw stream
(after the response line has been read) and a byte array as two ways of
implementing more sophisticated header handling. In addition, helper
functions (e.g. "read-header-field") would make life easier.

> (I'd be happy to share that Accept parse code if it was useful).
> ----
> I'm jumping in the the middle of this thread, so apologies if this has
> already been covered.
> Best wishes,
> Norman
> --
> Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
> SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK
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Erik Pearson
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