[racket] What #lang to use to create teachpack?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 3 18:23:03 EST 2013

On Sunday, November 3, 2013, Norman Ramsey wrote:

> I'm trying to create a teachpack for use with Intermediate Student
> Language.
> I believe that I need to create a source file that uses the (provide ...)
> form and I need to put it into a package.  I have two questions:
>   - What, if anything, can I put into the info.rkt file to get my
>     teachpack onto the teachpack menu (once the package is installed)?
I am not sure this is possible in 5.3.6. I recommend you just tell students
to add the corresponding 'require' line to their files.

>   - What #lang should I use for the source code?  I'd like to stick
>     to what I know, which is ISL, and in particular I'd like all
>     arithmetic to be exact even in the presence of literals that contain
>     decimal points.   But I also know I need to acquire a 'provide'
>     form somehow...
Probably easiest to write "#e1.5" instead of "1.5" to guarantee exactness.
Painful I know but I think you will find "#lang racket" the best language
for writing teachpacks. Depends on what you want it do tho, I suppose.


> Norman
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