[racket] snips in redex traces

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Tue May 7 08:46:32 EDT 2013

Yes, sure:

#lang racket
(require redex 2htdp/image)
(define-language L
  (t ::= RED  YELLOW GREEN))

(define RED    (circle 14 "solid" "red"))
(define YELLOW (circle 14 "solid" "yellow"))
(define GREEN  (circle 14 "solid" "green"))

(define R
   (--> RED GREEN)
   (--> YELLOW RED)
   (--> GREEN YELLOW)))

(traces R (term RED)
        (λ (term port w txt)
           (case term
             [(RED) RED]
             [(GREEN) GREEN]
             [(YELLOW) YELLOW])

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 12:25 AM, David Van Horn <dvanhorn at ccs.neu.edu>wrote:

> Is it possible to render snips in redex traces?
> For example, here's something I'd like to write and have it result in a
> pretty traces window:
> #lang racket
> ;; Traffic lights as redex model
> (require redex 2htdp/image)
> (define-language L)
> (define RED    (circle 14 "solid" "red"))
> (define YELLOW (circle 14 "solid" "yellow"))
> (define GREEN  (circle 14 "solid" "green"))
> (define R
>   (reduction-relation
>    L
>    (--> (side-condition any_l (equal? (term any_l) RED))    ,GREEN)
>    (--> (side-condition any_l (equal? (term any_l) YELLOW)) ,RED)
>    (--> (side-condition any_l (equal? (term any_l) GREEN))  ,YELLOW)))
> (traces R (term ,RED))
> I'd also be happy if I could write a Term -> Snip function to supply as a
> pretty printer.
> David
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