[racket] DRRacket right-click menu fragility in Linux.

From: Ray Racine (ray.racine at gmail.com)
Date: Thu May 2 10:28:04 EDT 2013

Given there was a time when things were pretty solid (within the last
year??) a git bisect approach is an option for someone blessed with spare
time and  system.

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Tim Brown <tim.brown at timb.net> wrote:

> Back on the subject of right menu fragility...
> I ran a drracket up in an Xnest server. No window manager nor desktop
> environment.
> Fragility still there. The more exciting stuff I did (selection, allowing
> arrows to appear with their respective "n bindings" popups) the more
> fragile. But still difficult to characterise. Anyway, I think I've
> eliminated the environmental clutter.
> Tim
> --
> sent from my phone
> consider yourself lucky if you get
> all the right letters in the right order
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