[racket] proposal for variant types

From: Stephan Houben (stephanh42 at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jun 11 03:44:52 EDT 2013

Hi Eric,

I like it!

One thing though: instead of adding a guard which forbids use of the
what about simply hiding the constructor , like this:

(define-syntax-rule (define-type t (variant vfield ...) ...)
    (struct t () #:transparent #:constructor-name ?dummy)

2013/6/10 Eric Tanter <etanter at dcc.uchile.cl>

> Hi,
> Sorry if this has been discussed before.
> One of the things I often miss while programming in Racket, is variant
> types. In Shriram's PLAI, there is a `define-type' form:
>    (define-type Expr
>      [num (n number?)]
>      ...)
> This is very helpful, with two caveats:
> 1- it requires contracts on fields -- while this is a feature, it also
> departs from simple structs in Racket.
> 2- its syntax for variants corresponds to the `type-case' matching form,
> eg:
>    (type-case Expr e
>      [num (n) ...]
>      ...)
> Note the `[num (n) ...]', while the constructor is `(num n)'.
> After reading the nice thread on writing style, I came up with a very
> simple `define-type' form that has the advantage of addressing both issues
> above:
> (define-type expr
>  (num n)
>  (add l r)
>  (sub l r))
> 1- no contracts, just like standard structs
> 2- the syntax of a variant declaration, eg. `(num n)' directly corresponds
> to the constructor syntax, which is used in `match':
> (define (interp expr)
>   (match expr
>     [(num n) n]
>     ...))
> A first version of the macro, included at the end of this mail, makes all
> structs transparent by default (this could be changed of course):
> > (num 10)
> (num 10)
> > (expr? (num 10))
> #t
> and avoids the instantiation of the abstract type:
> > (expr)
> . . cannot construct value of type expr: use one of the variants (num add
> sub)
> I would actually love to have this facility in Racket, but I suspect that
> the fact that it is not there already (even though these variant types are
> common in other FP languages) is due to some "good reason" to not include
> it.
> If so, I'd like to understand why.
> And if there is interest and it is indeed possible to include it in
> Racket, I'd be happy to contribute it (after some polishing, of course).
> Thanks,
> -- Éric
> (define-syntax-rule (define-type t (variant vfield ...) ...)
>   (begin
>     (struct t ()
>             #:transparent
>             #:guard
>             (λ (const)
>               (if (eq? const 't)
>                   (error (format "cannot construct value of type ~a: use
> one of the variants ~a"
>                                  't (list 'variant ...)))
>                   (values))))
>     (struct variant t (vfield ...) #:transparent) ...))
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