[racket] why does in-indexed / in-range slow down my program?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 20 19:23:25 EST 2013

I thought Limbo Peng wanted to measure the transliteration of some Go algorithm. Wasn't there a remark somewhere that said "there is a faster algorithm based on union-find"? 

On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

>> As the profiler shows, the most time-consuming part lies in the for-loop of procedure "qf-connect!", and after a few experiments, I figure it out: it is the "in-indexed" procedure that makes it slow. I replaced "in-indexed" with separate calls to "in-range" and "in-vector" - the running time gets reduced from 4m to 27s. Why?
> Hmmm.. Interesting question.  It also seems to be that using:
>    (in-naturals)
> instead of:
>    (in-range n)
> improves the performance a bit more: on my system, that single change
> cuts down the runtime from about 22 seconds to about 15 seconds.
> Interesting.  So we'd have to take a closer look at the implementation
> of in-indexed and in-range to be able to better isolate what's taking
> the time.
> ... wait... looking more closely at the algorithm... isn't this
> supposed to be a straightforward union-find?  If so, why does there
> need to be any vector searching going on here?  That is, that step in
> qf-connect! that's walking all the elements in the vector.  Why in the
> world is it doing that?
> ... I don't understand what this is computing yet... reading the code
> a few more times...
> ... ok, I think I understand what this is doing now.  But it can be
> greatly improved.
> The representation that you have chosen for the elements of the set
> are bare numbers.  However, I think you want to have more structure:
> for example, to be able to immediately jump to the representative.
> That way, you avoid hunting through every vector element to find the
> representative, which is currently the dominating factor of your
> program.
> That is, it's certainly useful to optimize in-vector vs. in-indexed
> vs. in-naturals, but maybe it's a better idea to avoid iteration
> altogether!
> I already have an implementation of the standard union-find algorithm
> on PLaneT that you can use:
>    http://planet.racket-lang.org/package-source/dyoo/union-find.plt/1/0/
> Here's what the heart of your program should look like with it:
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> #lang racket/base
> (require racket/list)
> (require racket/string)
> (require profile
>         (planet dyoo/union-find/union-find))
> (module+ main (profile-thunk main))
> (define (main)
>  (let* ([n (string->number (read-line))]
>         [set (make-qf-set n)])
>    (for ([line (in-lines)])
>      (let* ([pair (string-split line " " #:trim? #f)]
>             [p (string->number (car pair))]
>             [q (string->number (cadr pair))])
>        (unless (qf-connected? set p q)
>          (qf-connect! set p q))))
>    ;; TODO: do the output
>    (printf "Number of components: ~s\n" (qf-count set))
>    ))
> (struct qf-set ([count #:mutable] forest) #:transparent)
> (define (make-qf-set n) (qf-set n (make-qf-forest n)))
> (define (make-qf-forest n)
>  (define a-forest (make-forest 'equal))
>  (for ([i (in-range n)]) (make-set a-forest i))
>  a-forest)
> ;; qf-connected?: qf-set number number -> boolean
> (define (qf-connected? set p q)
>  (= (qf-find set p)
>     (qf-find set q)))
> ;; better - it takes about 28s to finish
> ;; but still slower than the Golang version
> (define (qf-connect! set p q)
>  (let* ([p-root (qf-find set p)]
>         [q-root (qf-find set q)]
>         [forest (qf-set-forest set)])
>    (unless (= p-root q-root)
>      (union-set forest p-root q-root)
>      (set-qf-set-count! set (sub1 (qf-set-count set))))))
> ;; qf-find: qf-set number -> number
> (define (qf-find set p)
>  (define forest (qf-set-forest set))
>  (find-set forest p))
> (define qf-count qf-set-count)
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> It takes about 200 milliseconds to run to completion on my system.
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