[racket] applicative order -- topic was: Re: Help with exception raising and testing

From: Alexander McLin (alex.mclin at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Aug 28 12:41:12 EDT 2013

I would like to understand this some more.

My understanding of applicative order is also connected with normal order,
I thought applicative order just means that all arguments given to a
procedure are always evaluated before the procedure is applied, the
left-right or right-left detail is irrelevant. Likewise normal order is the
opposite, arguments are only evaluated when they are actually needed,
regardless of left-right or right-left ordering.

In fact I learned that in SCIP, so I need to check when the edition I have
was published to see how old it really is.


On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Matthias Felleisen
<matthias at ccs.neu.edu>wrote:

> On Aug 27, 2013, at 8:48 PM, Galler wrote:
> > Racket uses applicative order
> For the record, there is no such thing as 'applicative order.' There is
> call-by-value and there is a humongous misunderstanding called 'applicative
> order' in the 1960s and 1970s that was fixed by Plotkin's 1973 paper on
> "call-by-name, call-by-value, and the lc" in TCS. There are stone-aged
> authors who can't resist using this terminology but we should be
> enlightened enough to know that this is a bogus term w/o well-defined
> meaning :-)
> -- Matthias (heart-felt as you can tell)
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