[racket] Omitting files when creating a package with raco planet create

From: Lawrence Woodman (lwoodman at vlifesystems.com)
Date: Tue Aug 6 11:15:07 EDT 2013


I'm having problems omitting files when creating packages with:
   raco planet create .

running from the root of the package directory.

As you can see from the mess I have made of:

Which contains my swap files.  I hadn't thought about them, until I looked
on PLaneT to see what I had published and realized.  After another 
failure, I found
   raco planet structure

So I now know what will be in the archives, but is there anyway of 
what goes into a package?

Also, if there is anyway of removing the first two versions (1.0, 1.1) 
and converting
1.2 into 1.0 that would be brilliant, but I guess probably not.


vLife Systems Ltd
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