[racket] how to use 'lazy' from racket/promise

From: Eli Barzilay (eli at barzilay.org)
Date: Wed Apr 10 08:12:15 EDT 2013

10 hours ago, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> See SRFI-45 (http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-45/srfi-45.html) for a 
> discussion of why lazy is necessary (ie, why force and delay are not 
> sufficient in practice).
> Racket's lazy might (?) be slightly different from the one discussed 
> there, though. See this post by Eli for why: 
> http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-45/post-mail-archive/msg00013.html 
> (according to comments in racket/private/promise.rkt).

There are several differences between what we have and what's
specified in the srfi:

* Our implementation uses structs instead of the usual (tagged) list

* `force' can work on any value -- if it's not a promise, it just
  returns the value as is.

* `lazy' can be used with any input value, so (lazy 3) works whereas
  in the srfi you must first "lift" the value into a promise:
  (lazy (delay 3)).  (But we also have (lazy (delay 3)) work the same
  as in the srfi, of course.)

* Because of the above, we don't really need `eager'.  We do have
  `delay/strict' though, but that's because it's useful to have a
  bunch of different kinds of promises with the same interface.

* To make things a little faster, our `lazy' doesn't handle multiple
  values, only `delay' does.  However, `lazy' can be wrapped around a
  multiple-value promise as in (force (lazy (delay (values 1 2 3)))).
  IIRC, the srfi has nothing about multiple values.

* Both our `delay' and `lazy' (and other delays) allow multiple
  expressions in their body.

* Our promises properly catch and re-throw exceptions.  For example:

    -> (define c -1)
    -> (define p (delay (set! c (add1 c)) (/ 1 c)))
    -> (force p)
    ; /: division by zero [,bt for context]
    -> (force p)
    ; /: division by zero [,bt for context]

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                    http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!

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