[racket] Delete Second

From: David Van Horn (dvanhorn at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Sep 17 15:26:13 EDT 2012

On 9/17/12 2:54 PM, Ashley Fowler wrote:
> Okay I understand. I made some changes
> (define delete-second2
>      (lambda(ls)
>        (if(< (length ls) 1) (append(list(car ls))(cdr(cdr ls)))
>           (list(car ls)))))
> it works for when I do the following tests:
> (delete-second2 '(3 7))  ==>  (3)
> (delete-second2 '(a b c d))  ==>  (a c d)
> but it gives me a error for the tests:
> (delete-second2 '())  ==>  ()
> (delete-second2 '(3))  ==>  (3)

I'd like to encourage you to step through these failing computations on 
pencil and paper.  Plug '() in for ls in the body of the lambda 
expression and continue with the remaining steps.  Likewise with '(3).

Also, some of the examples that "work" don't really.  Check those on 
pencil and paper too.

BTW, did you already solve delete-second1?


Posted on the users mailing list.