[racket] HTTP request problem

From: Mikko Tiihonen (mikko.tiihonen at tmtiihonen.fi)
Date: Fri Oct 5 03:49:52 EDT 2012

Hi all!

I'm trying to write a simple HTTP client, but I haven't been able to figure out why I get a "malformed request" exception from the server. I have tried to modify the request and verified that it conforms to the web-server/http request-struct. Server throws this exception after having processed the request and having sent the response:

../../../../../Applications/Racket v5.3/collects/web-server/private/util.rkt:34:0: read-request: malformed request (request #"GET" #<url> (list (header #"Host" #"localhost:8080") (header #"Connection" #"keep-alive") (header #"User-Agent" #"Mozilla/5.0 (testClient.rkt 0.1)") (header #"Accept-Encoding" #"gzip") (header #"Accept" #"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8") (header #"Accept-Language" #"en-us") (header #"Accept-Charset" #"ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7") (header #"Cache-control" #"no-cache")) #<promise:...cheme/testClient.rkt:34:17> #"" "" 8080 "")

The code is at the end of this message. Could you, please, give me a pointer in the right direction? Thanks for your help!


Mikko Tiihonen

The client code is here:

#lang racket

(require web-server/http net/url)

(define (display-request req)
  (display (format "~s\n~s\n" (request-method req) (request-uri req)))
  (for ((r (request-headers/raw req)))
    (displayln r))
  (for ((b (request-bindings/raw req)))
    (displayln b))
  (display (format "~s\n" (request-post-data/raw req))))

(define (connect host port)
  (define main-cust (make-custodian))
  (parameterize ((current-custodian main-cust))
    (define-values (in out)(tcp-connect host port))
    (define-values (ip-in port-in ip-out port-out) (tcp-addresses in #t))
    (define method #"GET")
    (define uri (string->url "http://localhost:8080/resources/data"))
    (define headers (list (make-header #"Host" #"localhost:8080")
                          (make-header #"Connection" #"keep-alive")
                          (make-header #"User-Agent" #"Mozilla/5.0 (testClient.rkt 0.1)")
                          (make-header #"Accept-Encoding" #"gzip")
                          (make-header #"Accept" #"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8")
                          (make-header #"Accept-Language" #"en-us")
                          (make-header #"Accept-Charset" #"ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7")
                          (make-header #"Cache-control" #"no-cache")
    (define req (make-request
                 (delay empty)
    (display (format "Client: ~a:~s\nServer: ~a:~s\n" ip-in port-in ip-out port-out))
    (print req out)
    (for ([i (in-range 10000000)])
    (display (format "Response:\n~s" (port->string (get-impure-port (string->url "http://localhost:8080")))))
    (close-input-port in)
    (close-output-port out)
    (custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))

(connect "" 8080)

And the server:

#lang web-server

(require web-server/servlet-env)

(provide interface-version stuffer start)
(define interface-version 'stateless)

(define (display-request req)
  (display (format "Method: ~s\nURL: ~s\n" (request-method req) (url->string (request-uri req))))
  (displayln "Headers:\n")
  (for ((r (request-headers/raw req)))
    (displayln r))
  (displayln "Bindings:\n")
  (for ((b (request-bindings/raw req)))
    (displayln (format "Bindings: ~s\n" b)))
  (display (format "POST-data:\n~s\n" (request-post-data/raw req))))

(define stuffer
   (md5-stuffer (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ".urls"))))

(define (start req)
  ; handle request
  (fprintf (current-output-port) "\n\n**** new request ****\n~s" req)
  (display "\n---\n\n")
  (display-request req)
  (display "**** sending response ...")
  ; send response
     `(html (body (h2 "Servlet response..."))))
    (displayln "sent! ****\n")))

(serve/servlet start
               #:stateless? #t
               #:servlet-regexp #rx""
               #:port 8080)

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