[racket] gl2d / gl-world: Debugging strange error / determining which libraries are missing

From: Michael Wilber (mwilber at uccs.edu)
Date: Thu May 17 16:58:24 EDT 2012

Can you run other OpenGL Racket programs? For example, try the gears example:

racket /usr/lib/racket/collects/sgl/examples/gears.rkt

On Thu, 17 May 2012 17:49:21 -0400, JP Verkamp <racket at jverkamp.com> wrote:
> Hopefully someone out there can help me out, I've run into a a bit of
> a problem with the gl2d and gl-world packages from PLaneT. I've got a
> relatively small sample and whenever I run the code (even after
> commenting out all of the OpenGL specific code other than the big-bang
> call), I always get this error:
> send: target is not an object: #f for method: call-as-current
> The one relevant response I've found thus far on the subject is from
> Matthew Flatt from last December on the mailing list (
> http://lists.racket-lang.org/users/archive/2011-October/048813.html )
> which says to check "Do you have "libgdkglext-x11-1.0" and
> "libgtkglext-x11-1.0" installed?", which I do. There's a .so for each
> in my /usr/lib directory. After that though, I'm not sure where to go.
> Is there perhaps some way to check which libraries that Racket is
> trying to load / what else might be causing the error?
> Thanks,
> JP
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