[racket] Congratulations to Shriram: Milner Young Researcher Award

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Wed Jun 13 08:55:40 EDT 2012

Thank you all for your kind words, both public and private.

You know the line about standing on shoulders, but it turns out that
if the shoulders you stand on are sufficiently tall, mere crouching is
sufficient.  Those shoulders belong not only to Matthias but also
especially to Robby Findler, Cormac Flanagan, and Matthew Flatt, each
of whom is smarter than me and whom I continue to look up to.  And
(rest PLT), notably John Clements and Eli Barzilay, has also kept me
on my toes.

At Brown I've been fortunate to have outstanding PhD students -- Paul
Graunke, Greg Cooper, Jay McCarthy, Arjun Guha, Joe Politz -- as well
as several undergrads, post-docs, and collaborators (Kathi Fisler and
Dan Dougherty) who've similarly constantly been several steps ahead of
me and been kind enough to bring me along.


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