[racket] anyone want to take over the drracket sicp support?

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Tue Feb 21 18:23:34 EST 2012

Anyone want to take over development of the DrRacket SICP support?


It could benefit from a few things:

* Reimplement the language framework-y bits to be more consistent with 
the newer, documented ways of doing language framework-y bits.

* Integrate the picture language code rather than pull from a different 
package (we have agreed to do this).

* Decide whether to do something more like teachpacks or 
problem-set-specific "#lang" or "require", so that user is getting 
exactly the definitions that s/he is supposed to get for a particular 
problem set.

* Work through the SICP exercises, and make test suite based on correct 
assignment answers.  The test suite has already been started.

* Handle the occasional bug report.

If no one volunteers, I will handle the occasional bug report, but 
unlikely that I'll have time to do more than that in the next couple years.


Posted on the users mailing list.