[racket] exercise problem

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 1 14:20:36 EST 2012

On Feb 1, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Roelof Wobben wrote:

> So in my opion I can solve this at this way :
> grosspay = hours_work * 12,5
> tax = grosspay * 0,15
> netpay = grosspay - tax.
> So I did this :
> (define (grosspay h)
>   (* h 12.50))
> (define (tax grosspay)
>    ( * grosspay 0.15))
> (define (nettoloon grosspay tax)
>     (- grosspay tax))
> But when I do :
> (grosspay 1)

When I do so, I get 12.5. 

> I get a message that there a 2 variables and one is given.
> So the other functions are not executed.

I assume you mean 

 (nettoloon 1)

and then you get the message. Yes you do -- because the function
nettoloon takes two arguments: grosspay and tax. The goal of the 
exercise is to create  nettoloon so that it consumes one argument, 
namely, the number of hours worked. From that it computes the net

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