[racket] gui issue > frame updating control thread painter > questions about how to resolve the problem, attain eventual reactive semantics

From: Patrick Mahoney (paddy.mahoney at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Apr 19 14:32:09 EDT 2012

#lang racket
#|Hello all, I'm  PMah. |#
(require racket/gui/base)

#|Problem: I have a message% control called x-pos parented by a frame%
called parent1. I have a canvas% called canvas parented under frame%
parent2. I would like x-pos to always show the current x coordinate of the
mouse position over canvas, and for this to be kept up to date as the mouse
moves. Ultimately I'd love to move to a reactive semantics. |#

#|Setting up the first frame and parent. I'm also going to grab the
eventspace for this frame while I'm at it.|#
(define parent1 (new frame%
                              [label "Parent1"]
                              [width 200]
                              [height 200]
                              [enabled #t]))

(define x-pos (new message%
                   [parent parent1]
                   [label "No x-pos yet."]))

(send parent1 show #t)

(define eventspace1 (send parent1 get-eventspace))

#|The second eventspace*frame*pos combo-|#
(define parent2 (new frame%
                              [label "Parent2"]
                              [width 200]
                              [height 200]
                              [enabled #t]))

#|Here comes the canvas subclass-I'm looking to override on-event method to
grab the x-component of the mouse pos, and I want to have that constantly
updating the x-pos message%. I really want reactive behavior, but I ran
into some issues with the frtime-namely, differences in bindings due to the
mzscheme bindings. the require spec (prefix-in ..) doesn't appear to be in
the language. I'm probably doing something wrong. |#
(define y-pos (class canvas%

    (inherit get-dc)
#|My notion of scope in objects is not precise. With those defines within
the scope of the on-event bindings, do the defines recalculate each time
on-event receives a message? lo, I wish I had some sort of channel protocol
to pass messages between threads, along with control.
The mushrooms kick in now.
    (define/override (on-event mouse-event)
      (define min-x (dc:min-x (get-dc)))
      (define max-x (dc:max-x (get-dc)))
      (define min-y (dc:min-y (get-dc)))
      (define max-y (dc:max-y (get-dc)))
      (define x-pos (send mouse-event get-x))
      (define y-pos (send mouse-event get-y))
      (call-in-other-eventspace (make-eventspace) (draw-diagnostics max-x
max-y x-pos y-pos)))


(send parent2 show #t)

#|I have tried some of the examples on

Basically, one using a channel, probably incorrectly and the second
without. Now what I believe I've done is to add the thunk to the queue in
the frame% parent1's eventspace, but I haven't transferred control. The
other eventspace's thread still has control. Kind of?
(define (call-in-other-eventspace e thunk)
   (let ([ch (make-channel)])
     (parameterize ([current-eventspace e])
       (queue-callback (lambda ()
                         (channel-put ch (thunk)))))
     (channel-get ch)))
  #|This blocks both frames updating in some way-im not able to transfer
control smoothly to the thread in the message% message1 workspace, and so
the x-pos label updates only sporadically when the other eventspace thread
yields? |#
(define (call-in-other-eventspace e thunk)
   (parameterize ([current-eventspace e])
       (queue-callback thunk)))

#|How can I get x-pos to update automatically on each on-event send here?
(draw-diagnostics max-x max-y x-pos y-pos) appears to terminate here in all
cases. Part 2: how can I apply frtime to make the update relationship I
want between canvas mouse position and message text  (or other racket
reactive work if it exists.). I really would like to understand this idiom
and get it in my toolchest for gui programming. Thanks all! Racket is an
impressive contribution to computer science. |#
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