[racket] Variable naming conventions

From: Asumu Takikawa (asumu at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 14 19:06:48 EDT 2011

On 2011-09-14 16:14:50 -0500, Jeremy Kun wrote:
>    Are there any other significant naming conventions I may run across?
>    perhaps using some of ~ @ $ ^ & . _ + = . Is it considered bad form to use
>    full UTF characters in identifiers?

If you use Racket's OO facilities you'll see:
  potato%      - class
  vegetable<%> - interface

and with units:
  shapes@ - unit
  shapes^ - signature

Also, "/c" denotes contracts and seems to be one case where reading the
"/" as "with" doesn't make sense. e.g. list/c, class/c, etc.


Posted on the users mailing list.