[racket] doubly linked list lib

From: Jukka Tuominen (jukka.tuominen at finndesign.fi)
Date: Fri Sep 2 07:09:13 EDT 2011

Exactly. The fastest way is to

1) Add a link to the 'announcements' section like this [[name]]    (before
adding the actual article)
2) click on the newly created link, and paste your code there with <pre>
code here   </pre>  tags

br, jukka

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Laurent [mailto:laurent.orseau at gmail.com]
  Sent: 02 September 2011 13:25
  To: Marijn; Jukka Tuominen
  Cc: Vincent St-Amour; users at racket-lang.org
  Subject: Re: [racket] doubly linked list lib

  On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 12:16, Marijn <hkBst at gentoo.org> wrote:

    Hash: SHA1

    Hi Vincent,

    On 08/31/11 17:50, Vincent St-Amour wrote:
    > Are you planning to put this on PLaneT?
    > Vincent

    I wasn't. This code has seen very little testing and has so far only
    been used in toy/throw-away code. The Gambit community has a
    no-expectation-of-quality place to dump code, appropriately called the
    Dumping Grounds[1]. If this was the gambit mailing list I would have
    said "sure I'll dump it", but I don't think I am ready to inflict it
    on Planet. Maybe my expectations of code on Planet is off, or maybe
    racket also needs a Dumping Grounds...

  I think this is what Jukka is has in mind:




    > At Wed, 31 Aug 2011 11:46:34 +0200, Marijn wrote:
    >> [1  <multipart/signed (7bit)>] [1.1  <multipart/mixed (7bit)>]
    >> [1.1.1  <text/plain; ISO-8859-1 (quoted-printable)>] Hi Laurent,
    >> On 08/30/11 09:18, Laurent wrote:
    >>> Thank you very much for this nice intermediate solution, though
    >>> I need constant-time append, split, insert, remove, + pointers
    >>> to items, etc. Mutation does seem unavoidable, right.
    >> I implemented a doubly-linked list, not so long ago, connected to
    >> a GUI that can insert and delete items and saw no way to make the
    >> list functional with multiple simultaneous editors in the GUI.
    >> The implementation is as a straightforward cyclical doubly-linked
    >> list. I toyed with the idea of having a separate handle object to
    >> represent the list versus just the nodes, and there are some
    >> rudiments of that left in the code, but in the end the user code
    >> uses a special 'top element to indicate where the cyclical list
    >> is supposed to start.
    >> Good luck,
    >> Marijn

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