[racket] gui application open without frame?

From: Louis-Philippe (default at spiralix.org)
Date: Mon Nov 21 15:08:37 EST 2011

right now, having
(yield (make-semaphore))
at the end of my program, the application doesn't exit and my root menu-bar
stays...  but the quit menu doesn't work anymore...  should I override it,
but with what, or am I missing something?


2011/11/21 Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu>

> At Mon, 21 Nov 2011 13:40:06 -0500, Louis-Philippe wrote:
> > I looked around the docs for racket/gui and I can't find how to do
> > something very basic...  how can I leave a racket/gui app opened after
> all
> > windows have closed so that the root menu-bar can stay visible?
> You'll need to add a call to `yield' to the end of your program to wait
> until your application quit handler exits. For example, you might add
>  (yield (make-semaphore))
> assuming that your quit handler exits via `exit', or you could use
>  (define s (make-semaphore))
>  (yield s)
> with a quit handler that exits via `(semaphore-post s)'.
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