[racket] Run rocket lunching program in HtDP2 from cammand line

From: tungsh (tungsh at yuntech.edu.tw)
Date: Tue Jan 11 12:22:39 EST 2011

Thanks! It works on Window 7 with:

  gracket rocket.rkt


-----Original message-----
From:Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
To:tungsh at yuntech.edu.tw
Cc:users <users at racket-lang.org>
Date:Tue, 11 Jan 2011 08:43:26 -0500
Subject:Re: [racket] Run rocket lunching program in HtDP2 from cammand line

On my Mac, 

  $ racket rocket.rkt 

works just fine, though I will say I am surprised how long it takes to display the canvas. 

-- Matthias

On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:20 PM, tungsh wrote:

> Is their a way to lunch the rocket in the following program
> using command line?
> ;;
> ;; d:/animate.rkt
> ;;
> (require 2htdp/image)
> (require 2htdp/universe)
> (define rocket (bitmap "d:/rocket.png"))
> (define (create-rocket-scene height)
>    (place-image rocket 50 height (empty-scene 100 100)))
> (animate create-rocket-scene)
> I tried "Gracket.ext -f d:/animate.rkt" but nothing happen.
> Thanks!
> Sho-Huan
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