[racket] Possible bug with sine and cosine (simple floating-point issue?)

From: prad (prad at towardsfreedom.com)
Date: Fri Jan 7 00:11:13 EST 2011

Hugh Myers <hsmyers at gmail.com> writes:

> The classic paper is
> http://docs.sun.com/source/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html entitled What
> every computer programmer/scientist should know about floating
> point... I've been involved with computer math since math chips were a
> new idea and came on S100 boards for 8-bit machines--- this paper
> would have saved me a great deal of frustration had I had it available
> to me in the long ago...
this is great stuff hugh! bookmarked and saved!
i've forgotten most of this, but just dug a couple of books on computer
organization from the 70s (though neither have things in this detailed
explanation or proofs!) and am looking forward to going through the
paper in the future.

in friendship,

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