[racket] a scribble comment

From: Vincent St-Amour (stamourv at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Nov 27 17:54:34 EST 2010

You want code:comment.

(define (foo x) (code:comment "I love foo")
(add1 x))


At Sat, 27 Nov 2010 23:37:22 +0100,
scouic wrote:
> [1  <multipart/alternative (7bit)>]
> [1.1  <text/plain; ISO-8859-1 (7bit)>]
> Hi,
> I've writen a documentation, using the Scribble tool. When I want to display
> functions, I use the @schemeblock[ ] tag.
> But if there is some comments like "i love foo", there are not displayed.
> Could you explain me a way for display the comments, it's better for explain
> functions when people read the source code ...
> @schemeblock[
> (define (foo x) ;; I love foo
> (add1 x))
> ]
> Thanks alot,
> -mw
> [1.2  <text/html; ISO-8859-1 (quoted-printable)>]
> [2  <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>]
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