[racket] Racket under Linux (ubuntu)

From: Michael Kuehn (mkuehn at wichern-schule.de)
Date: Mon Nov 15 14:43:14 EST 2010

scouic schrieb:
> or :
> - you must click and hold the click, then get off the mouse as if the
> menu appeared. At this point, menu appears ...
> - click and get off the mouse, menu appears
> - use the keys ALT+F for example for the file

No, that does not work here. But now I had success with:
Klicking on the menu item and then pressing the arrow-down button. Then
the menu appears.

Very strange...

> good luck
> -mw

Michael (please excuse my bad English, I hope you'll understand me...)
Mathematik- und Informatiklehrer
am Gymnasium der Wichern-Schule

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