[racket] digital image processing

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Nov 6 09:39:20 EDT 2010

On Nov 6, 2010, at 5:33 AM, 김태윤 wrote:

> hello 
> yesterday one of my friend show me his image processing program.
> I was so suprised that I am finding about digital image processing.
> (since I heard that lisp and its dialect is good for artificial intelligence)
> I think first thing I have to do is transfer the image from camera to computer in real time.
> I connected the camera and computer with cable 
> the cable is consist of usb, yellow, white connector and another side, usb connector.
> so.. for now, 
> could you tell me what do I have to do next?

Look up Stalin and port all the libraries for image processing 
to Racket. It's a Scheme that should be close enough now. 
You will lose performance but gain a user community. 

(Stalin is a Scheme dialect created for image processing.) 

Posted on the users mailing list.