[racket] Generative recursion

From: Luke Jordan (luke.jordan at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Nov 3 19:18:16 EDT 2010

I found implementing this trickier than grasping the solution as well.
 Stick with it.  I don't see that you need any functions related prime
numbers.  Perhaps if input is prime that is a trivial case, but try to focus
on what the output is: A list of numbers that can evenly divide the input.
 Those numbers are the numbers from 1 to input.  To think about how to get
that list, try solving it by hand.  If input is 3, how do you go about it?
 Does 3 divide 3 with no remainder?  Yes, we know that numbers divide
themselves with no remainder.  How about 2? 1?  Try it over with larger
numbers, like 6 and 10.  What process are you using to determine whether the
numbers <= input and > 1 divide input with no remainder, and what happens to
them if do?  What happens if they do not?  When does evaluation cease?  When
it comes to a termination statement, don't forget that list and append are

Trying not to say too much, but hope I'm still saying something useful.

- Luke

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 17:43, Ken Hegeland <hegek87 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am trying to do the problem 26.1.1 in the book HTDP and I just feel like
> the more I think about it, the more confused I get. I found a post from 2007
> with some tips from Jens Axel Søgaard, the link is
> http://objectmix.com/scheme/186349-htdp-generative-recursion.html.
> I understand whats to be done, but Im just unsure how to accomplish the
> task. I believe that trivially solvable in this case is n=1 and n=prime. For
> n=1 the solution would be (list 1)
> for n=prime Im thinking it should be (list 1 n), my function is similar to
> the one on the link with a bit of different organization. When I read jens'
> tips near the end I am getting confused.
> The closest I can get to an answer is, (=(tabulate-div 20)(list 20 10 5 2
> 2))
> From the advice supplied, I was able to say that the smaller problems that
> you split the program into are, one to get the largest divisor, and one
> which gets the smallest divisor using the largest.
> As far as template I am using what is supplied in the book. Im simply
> stuck, and would love something to help me out, I will continue to run this
> problem through my head and see what I can come up with.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
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