[plt-scheme] SLaTeX

From: Todd O'Bryan (toddobryan at gmail.com)
Date: Thu May 20 09:24:05 EDT 2010

I'm trying to install (what I think is) the latest version of SLaTeX
and am having a problem doing so. Here's what I get when I try to
configure it with scmxlate:

tobryan1 at 200-8143-202-01:~/Desktop/slatex$ mzscheme
Welcome to MzScheme v4.2.5 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2010 PLT Scheme Inc.
> (load "/home/tobryan1/Desktop/scmxlate/scmxlate.scm")
This is scmxlate, v 20090411
What is your Scheme dialect?
     (bigloo chez gambit guile mitscheme
      mzscheme petite plt scsh sxm
      umbscheme other)

Porting slatex-src.scm ...
dialects/make-echo-script.scm:26:4: if: bad syntax (must have an
"else" expression) in: (if (eqv? *dialect* (quote scsh)) (begin
(newline o) (display "(exit)" o)))

 === context ===
/opt/plt-4.2.5/lib/plt/collects/scheme/private/map.ss:45:11: for-each
/opt/plt-4.2.5/lib/plt/collects/scheme/private/map.ss:45:11: for-each

It looks like there are if's without else's.

Is there a later version of either SLaTeX or scmxlate that I should be using?


Posted on the users mailing list.