[plt-scheme] Teaching Scheme

From: Eli Barzilay (eli at barzilay.org)
Date: Mon May 3 11:38:06 EDT 2010

On May  4, Samuel Williams wrote:
> It would also be great if someone could rewrite the Scheme source
> code example so that it is as close as possible to the C
> implementation:
> 	http://programming.dojo.net.nz/languages/c/index
> I understand that Scheme is very different from C, and uses
> different paradigms, so it doesn't have to be identical, however it
> would be great if it worked in generally the same way. It would be
> great if you could include comments explaining how it works and what
> is happening (like the C example).

Since I didn't see any actual reply that had that, here's a direct
translation of the C code, and it's as documented as the C code (the
only difference is that it returns the list open open doors rather
than print them all):

  #lang scheme/base
  (define (main)
    ;; Initialize the array of doors to 0 (closed)
    (define doors (make-vector 100 #f))
    ;; Process the doors
    (for* ([pass (in-range 100)]
           [door (in-range pass 100 (+ pass 1))])
      (vector-set! doors door (not (vector-ref doors door))))
    ;; Return a list of open doors
    (for/list ([(door i) (in-indexed (in-vector doors))] #:when door)
      (+ i 1)))

And just to demonstrate the nonsensical categorization of compiled/
interpreted or the paradigm classification -- here are two shorter
programs that produce the same result using very different approaches
for a solution:

  #lang s-exp framework/private/decode

  #lang s-exp framework/private/decode

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                    http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!

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