[plt-scheme] How do I convert (values ...) to something I can do something with?

From: hendrik at topoi.pooq.com (hendrik at topoi.pooq.com)
Date: Fri Mar 12 12:44:22 EST 2010

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 09:43:31PM -0500, Jim Wise wrote:
> Hugh Myers <hsmyers at gmail.com> writes:
> > There are Lisp dialects that allow the usage of '{' in addition to
> > '('--- probably not Scheme...
> Yeah -- R5RS and R6RS reserve '{' and '}' for use of future report
> versions.  R6Rs allows use of '[' and ']' in addition to '(' and ')' --
> these were explicitly reserved in R5RS.

If I recall correctly, the original Scheme compiler (wasn't it called 
Rabbit?) contained code where '[' and ']' were used to denote 'hunks', 
which I think were kind of like small arrays used as structures.
But maybe that was a relic from the Lisp that Rabbit was written in, 
rahter than part of Scheme itself.

And there have been a number of dialects that used ']' as a kind of  
superparenthis that closes all open parentheses back to a matching '[' 
or to the start of the s-expression, whichever comes first.  That 
superficialy resembles what I was doing, but I utterly reject that, 
becaue it hides parenthesis mismatch instead of making it easier to see.

-- hendrik

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