[racket] tool: show module exports

From: Jon Rafkind (rafkind at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Jul 21 02:15:28 EDT 2010

  I wrote a simple tool (attached) that displays all the exports from a 
module; their name as well as their phase. I'll probably make it show 
imports too when I get a chance.

I'd like this sort of information in DrRacket as well, either I can make 
a plugin or maybe check syntax can do it.

$ racket ~/tmp/check.rkt match.rkt
Phase 0 (runtime)
   exn:misc:match? from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-equality-test from 
   match from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match* from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match*/derived from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-define from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-lambda from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-lambda* from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-lambda** from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-let from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-let* from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match-letrec from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   match/derived from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
   struct* from /home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt
Phase 1 (syntax)
   match-...-nesting from 
/home/jon/svn/plt/collects/racket/match/match.rkt as match-...-nesting

$ racket ~/tmp/check.rkt -h
checker [ <option> ... ] <file>
  where <option> is one of
   --phase <phase> : Only show identifiers at this phase
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