[racket] DrRacket indent of "let:"

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Fri Dec 24 15:56:59 EST 2010

Casey Klein wrote at 12/24/2010 03:42 PM:
> Adding `let:' to the list of "Lambda-like Keywords" in DrRacket's "Editing" preferences makes your first two examples indent as in Quack. The second two examples indent as follows.
> (let: loop : Any
> ..((x : Any)
> ...(y : Any))
> ..x
> ..y)
> (let: loop
> ..: Any
> ..((x : Any)
> ...(y : Any))
> ..x
> ..y)
> Maybe all we need is to update the preference's default?

That would be a helpful temporary measure for people, but I suggest that 
additional work to do this better is appropriate.

It's conventional for the non-body parts of a form like this to be 
indented more than the body forms if they appear after the first line, 
to distinguish them from the body.

If we just add "let:" to "Lambda-like Keywords", then parts of a 
named-"let:" after the name are indented as if they are body forms.


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