[plt-scheme] Re: Poacher turned gamekeeper

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 9 20:53:42 EST 2009

> They are a captive audience. They do not have the option of dropping
> the course.

Then don't be hostile.  You will already face a little resentment for
doing things non-traditionally.  Show them instead why it's better.
After showing them animations with World, show them that you have
already introduced them to what is generally considered an "advanced
software engineering" topic (MVC, for us) in week 1.

Just last week a major practitioner of software methodology (big-time
author, consultant) wrote asking for access to our World material, to
teach his child, on the grounds that it embodied the methodology he
used and preached in his professional life.


Posted on the users mailing list.