[plt-scheme] session info in web server applications

From: David Storrs (david.storrs at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Nov 6 08:08:00 EST 2009

On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Dave Gurnell <d.j.gurnell at gmail.com> wrote:

> FWIW: We've put together a simple little library for this called "session
> cells":
>  - cookie stores a random "session ID";
>  - each session cell is a struct with a "cell ID" in it;
>  - there's a global hash table of session IDs to "session tables";
>  - a session table is a hash of cell IDs to values.
> I like this solution for the simplicity of the interface and the
> consistency with web cells.
> Two things that require careful thought:
>  - setting up the session cookie (a dispatcher stage would be good for
> this);
>  - garbage collection (we use a several hour timeout... there may be a
> better approach).
> Our code is all rolled up as part of a larger web toolkit but it wouldn't
> take long to extract
> if you're interested.
> -- Dave

Sounds good; quite possibly better than our solution.  If you have time to
extract / package / submit it, I'll gladly leave pride of place to you.
We're an unfunded startup, so finding even a couple of hours is a bit of a

Dave K
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