[plt-scheme] How should PLTCOLLECTS work?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 5 21:35:00 EST 2009

Does the directory c:\collects actually contain drscheme\drscheme.ss?

If you want to find out what the default is, use (collection-path
"drscheme") and you'll get some path ending in "drscheme"; the one
above that is the collection path.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Grant Rettke <grettke at acm.org> wrote:
> The doc says that:
> "If the PLTCOLLECTS environment variable is defined, it is combined
> with the default list using path-list-string->path-list."
> Setting it to "C:\collects" on Windows XP with PLt 4.1.4 results in
> this message when DrScheme is started:
> lib: standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found: "drscheme"
> in any of: (#<path:C:\collects>) in: (lib "drscheme/drscheme.ss")
> [Exited]
> DrScheme does not start.
> What did I do wrong?
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