[plt-scheme] Natural Language parsing in CS1

From: YC (yinso.chen at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jun 1 15:11:32 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk at cs.brown.edu>wrote:

> I agree with Eli (who knows more about this topic than we might imagine).
> It is very difficult to make these kinds of NL parsers scale to any
> complexity, and moreover, the kinds that do (those used in real
> software today) use a very different approach, so it's not like
> there's a smooth continuum from here to there.  It would actually be
> somewhat misleading to show this and suggest that this is how real NL
> parsers work, just with more of the same.


The AI books that I had read before took the parsing approach, so I am not
familiar with the alternative - would you happen to have links or googling
phrases for finding the alternatives?

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