[plt-scheme] Scheme projects in my undergrad CS course

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Mon Jan 12 16:30:21 EST 2009

In the early '90s, the best writeup I recall of code reviews was in the 
1989 edition of Yourdon's "Structured Walkthroughs" book.  You can find 
used copies cheap on Amazon and "isbn.nu".

(Yourdon was a methodologist known to write many books on topics with 
"Structured" prepended to their names, often drawing on other 
methodologists.  DeMarco is another prolific name to look for.  Though 
functional decomposition of Structured Analysis is not en vogue, and 
Structure Charts are silly today, there is still value to be found in 
that era of work.  The work by other methodologists of that era on 
process of requirements analysis is especially valuable, even if you 
think since contemporary ad hoc participatory design works for you.  And 
papers like on Harel's Statecharts are still worth reading in addition 
to whatever UML repackaging they have been given.  Don't discount the 
wisdom some IBM-era people might have -- they worked through many 
problems from first principles and excruciating experience, in an 
environment that required more discipline than most of us modern 
developers have learned to exercise.)


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