[plt-scheme] delaunay/voronoi

From: Ivanyi Peter (pivanyi at freemail.hu)
Date: Tue Feb 10 08:10:06 EST 2009

gabor papp <gabor.lists at mndl.hu> írta: 

> hello,
> has anyone implemented delaunay triangulations/voronoi diagrams or
> worked on bindings for existing computational geometry libraries like
> qhull or cgal? any help would be appreciated.
>  />
I have only an AutoLISP version of the Delaunay triangulation. Not mine,
I have downloaded it from the Web.
I suspect  :-) You are Hungarian, so you can check out this page

For more serious Delaunay triangulation in 2D see this link:
The program is in C. I think it would be very easy to interface with it through FFI.

Best regards
Peter Ivanyi
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