[plt-scheme] On MRED questions

From: eko hermiyanto (eko.hermiyanto at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Oct 22 04:03:31 EDT 2008

Dear PLT Schemers,

1. In DRScheme, there are four buttons which so beautiful; debug
button, check syntax button, run button, and stop button. I am not
quite sure whether they are button% because there is no such style for
button. Are they in fact just merely button% or are they other widget?
Or perhaps, they are button% but using techniques which are explained
on drawing and editor toolbox sections on the MRED manual? I am very
sorry because it is my second days of my MRED learning, and I am not
yet read those sections of the manual.

2. Below menubar, there are two choice-like widgets. But, they are
more beautiful than choice%. What is the name of the widget?

3. Is there any standard icon in DRScheme which I can use? For example
a floppy disk icon to be used on a button with the purpose to save a

4. How to create horizontal line in frame? For example I want to make
a frame, the top one for viewing a given data, and the bottom one to
edit the data. And I want to create separation line between them, is
it possible? I have tried to emulate such line using message% with
label "----" but the result is extremelly ugly.

5. For example, I want to create several text-field% vertically in the
same vertical panel. Because the labels of those text-field% are
different in length, the field of those text-field% are not vertically
in line. I have tried to emulate with giving more spaces on the
labels, and so far, it is work good enough. Nevertheless, is there a
way to do that without giving more spaces on the label?

6. I want to create a message% with bold label. I know I must create
font% object in order to manipulate the label to be bold. I have tried
to create the font% object with instantiate and make-object, but, both
of them failed.
My failed definitions are:
(define bold-message-font-object (make-object font% () (size 12)
(family '(default)) (style '(normal)) (weight '(bold))))
(define bold-message-font-object (make-object font% (size 12) (family
'(default)) (style '(normal)) (weight '(bold))))
(define bold-message-font-object (instantiate font% () (size 12)
(family '(default)) (style '(normal)) (weight '(bold))))

7. As far as I read on MRED manual, there is no table widget. Is there
any standard way to emulate such widget? For example, I have created a
program to record books(well, I am quite a good book reader, you
know). When I want to search all of my books with certain criteria, I
think it is quite useful if I could represent the result with the
following order:
books name | Author | ISDN | Publisher | printed on year

By the way, How to design program is very great and beautiful literary
work. My brother and I enjoy it very much as we enjoy Victor Hugo's
Les Miserables. Even, HTDP is easier to understand than many
discourses in Les Miserables(with part on Generative Recursion as the
only exception).

Eko Hermiyanto

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