[plt-scheme] DrScheme interface changes

From: Stephen De Gabrielle (stephen at degabrielle.name)
Date: Thu May 8 02:50:06 EDT 2008

Hi. I don't know who is doing it- but thankyou!
I really like the recent DrScheme interface changes.
They look good and work well on a small screen. (which is good for me
because I use a small notebook) and while screen resolutions are
getting higher, my 'eye resolution' is getting worse.

thanks again


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Stephen De Gabrielle
s.degabrielle at ucl.ac.uk
Telephone +44 (0)20 7679 5242 (x45242)
Mobile                  079 851 890 45
Project: Making Sense of Information (MaSI)

UCLIC: University College London Interaction Centre

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