[plt-scheme] IE Warnings

From: Eli Barzilay (eli at barzilay.org)
Date: Thu Jun 26 17:07:34 EDT 2008

On Jun 26, Chongkai Zhu wrote:
> Eli Barzilay wrote:
> > On Jun 26, George Herson wrote:
> >   
> >> Chongkai Zhu wrote:
> >>     
> >>> Just tell users to view the doc with Firefox, probably pop up a
> >>> window for that if DrScheme detects the user is using IE on
> >>> Windows (at least for the first time).
> >>>       
> > I really don't want to do that, in the same way that I wouldn't
> > want to see IE popping up a dialg box telling people not to use
> > PLT.
> Pop out a suggestion, not an order. Give users the option to keep
> using IE and at their own cost, not able to view/search PLT docs.

I wouldn't dream of popping up an order -- it's the suggestion that is
bad enough.  The browser situation on Windows is bad enough (each
of the four main browsers suggests setting itself as the default when
you run it), and I don't think PLT should participate in this ugly

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                  http://www.barzilay.org/                 Maze is Life!

Posted on the users mailing list.