[plt-scheme] LinkedIn (group activated)

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Tue Jun 10 01:03:07 EDT 2008

On Jun 9, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Eric Hanchrow wrote:

>>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Schouten <tom at zwizwa.be> writes:
>     Tom> Hello, The LinkedIn group is activated.  The ID is 119028 and
>     Tom> the name is "PLT Scheme".  To join, follow this link:
>     Tom> http://www.linkedin.com/search? 
> search=&sortCriteria=3&groupFilter=119028
> That didn't work for me -- I just saw a list of my contacts.

No, me neither.  Instead, search for Tom Schouten, then click on the  
PLT group, and ask to be added.

John Clements

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