[plt-scheme] suggestion "project function"

From: bennit (ben.corne at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jan 15 17:59:33 EST 2008

Hi all,
was browsing the web a bit looking for a forum to discuss drscheme,
the scheme environnement;
Didn't find lots of didicated forums for it tough, so i guessed google
would have one that might be popular

This is my second year of programming in dr scheme and there's one
thing i really miss in the environnement:
a project function, which opens all the files at once in seperate tabs
of one project.
This would be nice as for now I have to open all my files tab per tab,
which gets anoying after some time.
Certainly as i have to quit dr scheme after some time because of the
memory leaks in it (under windows).

Hope my request gets word of whoever is busy designing new
functionalities etc.

Also, I read on some forum that there is an autofill plugin for the
environnement. Can anyone comfirm this or point me to a download
link? :)

Posted on the users mailing list.