[plt-scheme] mztext v4

From: Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Feb 8 02:19:47 EST 2008

I've seen this error message before in a different context.  IIRC
scheme/base does not import itself into the transformer environment,
so you have to write

  (require-for-syntax scheme/base)

(Or whatever the v4 equivalent is; I forget right now).

So, this might be the solution for mztext.


On Feb 7, 2008 9:30 PM, Aleks Bromfield <aleks at cs.brown.edu> wrote:
> In v4, the -E option of mztext seems not to work. For example:
> $ mztext -E "(+ 1 2)"
> compile: bad syntax; function application is not allowed, because no
> #%app syntax transformer is bound in: (+ 1 2)
>  === context ===
>  /pro/plt/drscheme/nightly/plt/collects/preprocessor/mztext.ss:342:0:
>  preprocess
>  /pro/plt/drscheme/nightly/plt/collects/preprocessor/pp-run.ss:16:0: run
> Do you have any idea what might be wrong?
> Thanks!
> ~ Aleks
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