[plt-scheme] Re: audio in Scheme

From: hendrik at topoi.pooq.com (hendrik at topoi.pooq.com)
Date: Fri Dec 5 11:35:58 EST 2008

On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 11:25:16AM -0500, Geoffrey S. Knauth wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2008, at 11:01, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> >BTW#2, the main technical problem with getting a good interface to
> >work is obvious: finding the common+practical functionality that can
> >be used on Windows/Mac/Linux.  Another problem for dealing with the
> >"cool" aspect of sounds in a world-like way is that they can eaily be
> >much more resource hungry than images.
> There's also the question of notation(s) to support.  abc? LilyPond?  
> MIDI? MusicXML? NeumeXML? Support for music from India, China, Japan,  
> Indonesia...?
> I wonder if it's possible to layer the functionality to support  
> different types of sounds and cultural conventions.

What you need is the primitives you can use to construct other stuff.  
The other stuff (like abc, LilyPond, etc.) doesn't have to be built in.
Given the primitives, the rest will arrive.

-- hendrik

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