[plt-scheme] decompiler for bytecode

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Tue Aug 19 19:17:07 EDT 2008

In case you ever wonder what the compiler and bytecode optimizer does
to your code, mzc now supports a `--decompile' mode to convert a ".zo"
file back into Scheme (sort of).

For example, if "ex.ss" contains

 #lang scheme
 (define x (+ 1 2))


 laptop% mzc ex.ss
 mzc v4.1.0.1 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2008 PLT Scheme Inc.
   making "/private/tmp/ex.ss"
  [output to "./compiled/ex_ss.zo"]
 laptop% mzc --decompile compiled/ex_ss.zo 
 mzc v4.1.0.1 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2008 PLT Scheme Inc.
 (begin (module ex .... (define-values (_x) '3)))

confirms that the compiler knows how to fold `(+ 1 2)' to `3'.

Since the decompiler is intended to help explain performance, its
output includes annotations like `#%sfs-clear' and `#%checked'. Those
annotations are no-ops if you read the code as Scheme, but they reflect
specific steps taken in the JITted form of the bytecode. Similarly,
`lambda' forms are annotated as `#%closed' when they are implemented as
constant closures; otherwise, they're annotated with captured
variables. Primitive operations that will be inlined by the JIT are
annotated with `#%in'. See the mzc documentation for details:


Currently, the decompiler doesn't reconstruct syntax objects, though it
shows a partially-decoded form that can give you a sense of what the
syntax objects contain and how much space they consume. For that and
other reasons, the decompiler's output currently cannot be fed back
into the evaluator.


Posted on the users mailing list.