[plt-scheme] mzc, ++ccf <flag> : Add C compiler flag

From: Geoffrey S. Knauth (geoff at knauth.org)
Date: Sun Sep 9 07:53:42 EDT 2007

On Sep 9, 2007, at 07:40, Matthew Flatt wrote:

> At Sun, 9 Sep 2007 00:30:57 -0400, "Geoffrey S. Knauth" wrote:
>> Maybe I'm mistaken, but it appears +ccf -I/opt/local/include/mysql5/
>> mysql is not passing the include path to the C compiler.
> Try ++cppf instead of ++ccf.
> The compile is failing in the step of pre-processing code to cooperate
> with the 3m GC, which is a separate step from invoking the compiler.
> I see, though, that if you were building for CGC, then you'd have to
> use ++ccf instead of ++cppf, because there's no separate pre- 
> processing
> step in CGC compilation. To fix that inconsistency, I think all the
> ++cppf flags should be used for ++ccf, too, which would be  
> analogous to
> the way that CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS usually work (I think).

Thank you, Matthew!  I'm going to do a little test to see if, with  
gcc, the -I flags are passed to both the preprocessor and the compiler.

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