[plt-scheme] Parentheses and color

From: Ronny (plt-scheme at develo.biz)
Date: Thu Jul 5 22:18:32 EDT 2007

That sounds great! But how do you "put them into a collection"?
I figured that once I have the collection,  I can run setup-plt -l 
collection-name, but that doesn't help much, as it wasn't obvious, even 
after I consulted helpdesk, how to actually make a collection...
I found "make-collection", which I could use after executing (require 
"entire/path/after/home/dir/collection.ss"), but no examples on how to 
use it, so  I'm kinda stuck there.

Robby Findler wrote:
> On 7/5/07, Dave Gurnell <d.j.gurnell at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Note to the free-software users here:  this appears to be a photoshop
>> > file, and the gimp can display it.  I used the version from etch (I
>> > think 2.2.13).
>> My mistake. I meant to save it as PNG, but obviously I hit the wrong
>> option.
>>      http://www.davegurnell.com/files/
>> drscheme_with_column_highlighting.png
> FWIW, that is relatively easy to accomplish with a tool. Put the two
> below modules into files and put them into a collection (and run
> setup-plt on that collection, so it gets registered with drscheme) et
> voila.
> Robby
> (module info (lib "infotab.ss" "setup")
>  (define name "Column Highlighting")
>  (define tool-names (list "Column Highlighting"))
>  (define tools (list "column.ss")))
> (module column mzscheme
>  (require (lib "framework.ss" "framework")
>           (lib "class.ss")
>           (lib "mred.ss" "mred"))
>  (define column-width 5)
>  (define column-color "lavender")
>  (define column-mixin
>    (mixin ((class->interface text%)) ()
>      (define/override (on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx
> dy draw-caret)
>        (super on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
>        (when before?
>          (let ([column-width-pixels (get-column-width-pixels dc)]
>                [pen (send dc get-pen)]
>                [brush (send dc get-brush)])
>            (send dc set-pen column-color 1 'solid)
>            (send dc set-brush column-color 'solid)
>            (let loop ([x 0])
>              (when (< x right)
>                (when (<= left (+ x column-width-pixels))
>                  (send dc draw-rectangle
>                        (+ x dx)
>                        (+ top dy)
>                        column-width-pixels
>                        (- bottom top)))
>                (loop (+ x column-width-pixels column-width-pixels))))
>            (send dc set-pen pen)
>            (send dc set-brush brush))))
>      (super-new)))
>  (define (get-column-width-pixels dc)
>    (let ([style (send (editor:get-standard-style-list)
>                       find-named-style
>                       "Standard")])
>      (let-values ([(w _1 _2 _3) (send dc get-text-extent "x"
>                                       (send style get-font))])
>        (* w column-width))))
>  ;; code to test, w/out running inside drscheme
>  #;
>  (let ()
>    (define f (new frame% [label ""] [width 400] [height 600]))
>    (define t (new (column-mixin text%)))
>    (define ec (new editor-canvas% [parent f] [editor t]))
>    (send t load-file (build-path (collection-path "drscheme")
> "private" "rep.ss"))
>    (send t change-style (make-object style-delta% 'change-family
> 'modern) 0 (send t last-position))
>    (send f show #t))
>  ;; tool integration
>  (require (lib "tool.ss" "drscheme")
>           (lib "unit.ss"))
>  (define tool@
>    (unit
>      (import drscheme:tool^)
>      (export drscheme:tool-exports^)
>      (define phase1 void)
>      (define phase2 void)
>      (drscheme:get/extend:extend-definitions-text
>       column-mixin)))
>  (provide tool@))
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