[plt-scheme] Re: Debugging servlets in DrScheme

From: Alexey Goldin (alexey.goldin at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Feb 12 22:40:25 EST 2007

Just what the doctor ordered!

Thanks a lot! I'll try to work my way from here. Works in 360, does
not work in 352 and before.

On Feb 12, 2:01 pm, "Jay McCarthy" <jay.mccar... at gmail.com> wrote:
> One thing you can do to run the web-server from within DrScheme is to
> use the (lib "servlet-env.ss" "web-server" "tools") library. Here's an
> example:
> (module servlet-env-test mzscheme
>  (require (lib "servlet-env.ss" "web-server" "tools"))
>  ; request-number : str -> num
>  (define (request-number which-number)
>    (string->number
>     (extract-binding/single
>      'number
>      (request-bindings (send/suspend (build-request-page which-number))))))
>  ; build-request-page : str -> str -> response
>  (define (build-request-page which-number)
>    (lambda (k-url)
>      `(html (head (title "Enter a Number to Add"))
>             (body ([bgcolor "white"])
>                   (form ([action ,k-url] [method "post"])
>                         "Enter the " ,which-number " number to add: "
>                         (input ([type "text"] [name "number"] [value ""]))
>                         (input ([type "submit"] [name "enter"] [value
> "Enter"])))))))
>  #;(on-web
>   `(html (head (title "Sum"))
>          (body ([bgcolor "white"])
>                (p "The sum is "
>                   ,(number->string (+ (request-number "first")
> (request-number "second")))))))
>  (on-web (+ (request-number "first") (request-number "second"))))
> When you use the `on-web' function, a temporary server is run from
> DrScheme on port 8080 and a browser window is opened to a temporary
> servlet. This should help you test servlets from DrS.
> Jay
> On 2/10/07, Matthias Felleisen <matth... at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

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