[plt-scheme] Limiting the damage caused by infinite recursion

From: Robby Findler (robby.findler at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Feb 7 11:59:11 EST 2007

Do you find that the pedagogic solution (namely making them be more
careful with the design recipe) doesn't help?

Assuming not, there is a technological solution that we should be able
to use at some point in the future (Matthew probably can say more)
where DrScheme can limit the amount of memory used by the program.


On 2/7/07, Todd O'Bryan <toddobryan at mac.com> wrote:
> As I've mentioned before, I'm running DrScheme on thin clients, so all
> my students run their programs on one server.
> If a student writes an infinitely recursive function and doesn't realize
> what they've done, their process eats up more and more memory until the
> whole lab runs out of RAM, we start using virtual memory, and the whole
> lab grinds to a halt until I can log in and kill the offending process.
> Is there any way to set a limit on the number of recursive calls or the
> amount of memory a function call can consume so that this doesn't
> happen?
> Thanks,
> Todd
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