[plt-scheme] Storage of PlaneT packages

From: Eric Hanchrow (offby1 at blarg.net)
Date: Sat Aug 18 13:59:42 EDT 2007

>>>>> "eliben" == eliben  <eliben at gmail.com> writes:

    eliben> Hello, When I'm "requiring" a new PlaneT package with
    eliben> (require (planet...)), I assume the planet client is
    eliben> downloading the package to my computer.  

It is indeed.
    eliben> Where is it stored ?

On *nix, it's somewhere under ~/.plt-scheme/planet/.  On Windows, I
would guess it's in %APPDATA%.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any language in
possession of a rich syntax, must be in want of a rewrite.
        -- Piers Cawley

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