[plt-scheme] require planet packages, latest version?

From: Will M Farr (farr at MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon Apr 30 15:53:42 EDT 2007

Yeah, that'll do it (from personal experience).  Just don't get on a  
long plane flight expecting to do work using SchemeUnit before you  
encounter a (require "test.ss" ...) form :).


On Apr 30, 2007, at 3:48 PM, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:

> What I did was (in msys):
> rm -rf /c/Documents\ and\ Settings/hdijkema/Application\ Data/PLT\  
> Scheme/planet/300/360/
> planet -p
> <nothing there>
> I think this should clear the cache???
> --Hans
> Will M Farr schreef:
>>> Yes, for instance.
>>> >(require (planet "roos.scm" ("oesterholt" "roos.plt" 1 0)))
>>> planet -p
>>> oesterholt roos.plt 1 5
>>> I must explicitly do:
>>> >(require (planet "roos.scm" ("oesterholt" "roos.plt" 1 6)))
>>> to get the latest version.
>> Isn't this because PlaneT first looks locally for a package which  
>> would satisfy the requirements?  So, if you ask for at least 1.0,  
>> and you have a .plt package for 1.5 on your system, it won't go  
>> online to check for 1.6?  If so, you could probably beat it by  
>> issuing
>> planet -d oesterholt roos.plt 1 6
>> to get a local copy of 1.6.  Then clearing the linkage table and  
>> requesting 1.0 or better would give you 1.6.
>> Will

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